RFP Information:
Create Proposal
RFP ID: 10000003 Status: Closed
Title: HOMEBUILDERS Proposal Due Date: 1/7/2011
Start Date: 4/1/2011 End Date: 6/30/2013
Description: HOMEBUILDERS® is an evidence-based program designed to strengthen families in order to prevent unnecessary out-of-home placement or return children from foster, group and residential care. Families served by this intensive, in-home, family therapy model have children in imminent risk of placement, or have children in placement that cannot be reunified without intensive services. The purpose of the HOMEBUILDERS® RFP is to select providers to provide HOMEBUILDERS® Services formerly known as Intensive Family Preservation Services (IFPS) and Intensive Family Reunification Services (IFRS). Selected providers for the HOMEBUILDERS® RFP must have had at the least one team member who has completed the basic HOMEBUILDERS® Fundamental training provided by the Institute for Family Development. In addition, the individual must have provided HOMEBUILDERS® services to families for at least one year. For more information about this and other current contracting opportunities, please visit http://www.in.gov/dcs/3151.htm
Services Requested:
